For help using and troubleshooting your BluepeakTV service. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, you can contact us by phone, email, or chat.
For more information on BluepeakTV, visit our TV page.
BluepeakTV is a streaming TV service available exclusively to Bluepeak Internet customers. We offer three packages with versatile video content and a whole-home Wi-Fi and on-the-go solution like no other. Each package includes one HD set-top box, three streams, 50 hours of recordings with add-on options, and Bluepeak Stream.
What is Bluepeak Stream?
Access approximately 175 TiVo+ FAST (Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV) channels and allows you to seamlessly search for content across multiple apps.
How do I launch the Bluepeak TV app on the Bluepeak set-top box?
Simply press the “My TV” button on the Bluepeak remote.
How many HD set-top boxes can I rent from Bluepeak?
The first one is included. After that, you can rent as many as you like for only $10.00 a month.
How do I record a program?
Locate the program you want to record on the Guide, click the OK button on the remote, and select Record.
How do I access my recordings?
Press the “My TV” button on the Bluepeak remote.
Arrow to your profile icon between the movies and the search function. Click the OK button on the Bluepeak remote.
Can I order pay-per-view through Bluepeak TV?
Unfortunately, PPV is not available from Bluepeak TV.