If you need to reboot your individual eeros or your entire network, it’s as simple as tapping a button in the eero app.
Why would I reboot my eero?
While most customers never need to reboot their eeros, power cycling your electronics is a common troubleshooting step. Also, for your convenience, being able to reboot your eeros from the app means you won't need to unplug each individual eero.
Some common reasons to reboot your eeros:
- You sense slow speeds on your network
- You’re having an issue with one of your connected devices
- A connected device is connected to the wrong eero
How do I reboot my eero?
To reboot your eero open the Home tab and tap on the Online status button in the top center of the screen. Tap on the eero you’d like to reboot to open its options menu, then scroll down to “Advanced.” Tap on the Restart button and then select “Restart eero” from the list of sub-options available.
For more information
click here for the eero mobile app user guide.