Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Phone

Voice Portal

What is the voice portal?
The voice portal is a web-based application that provides you with visibility into and control over aspects of your voice services.
How do I access the voice portal?
To access your voice portal an email address must be listed on your account with Bluepeak. Upon upgrade or install of your Bluepeak services you will receive a Welcome email that will provide the link to your voice portal account.
How do I set up my voice portal?
Go to and enter your username and password. Check ‘remember me’ if you want to save your username and password then click ‘login’. The first time you log in, you will be asked to create a new password. Your new password must include:
  • 8 or more characters
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters
  • At least one number
  • Cannot contain any part of your username
How do I change my voice portal password?
If you can’t log in, contact customer support to reset your password. But if you can log in, you can change your password in the voice portal. Expand the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen and click ‘change password’. Enter your new password and then confirm it in the field below. Your password must be 8–16 characters long and include uppercase and lowercase letters and at least one number. It cannot contain any part of your username.
How do I find more information about voice portal?


How do I download voicemails?
Once logged in at click on ‘voicemail management’ and click ‘voice messages’ from the drop down. To save the message to your computer click on the down arrow icon under ‘save’. A new window will pop up to indicate downloading.
How do I forward voicemails through email?
To forward the message as an email click the mail icon under ‘forward’. Once you have clicked the mail icon a new window will pop up. Enter the desired email to forward the voice messages to, if sending to more than one person separate the emails by commas.
How do I set up voicemail via phone?

The voicemail menu can be accessed remotely or by dialing a star code from a phone connected to the account. The default PIN is 1234. The first time the voicemail box is accessed, the user will be prompted to set a new PIN which must be 4-digits or longer.

How do I access voicemail via phone?

Direct access: From a line assigned to your voicemail box, dial the voicemail management star code *62 or *98, enter your 4-digit PIN and press #.

Remote access: From a line not assigned to your voicemail box, dial your 10-digit phone number. When the voicemail greeting plays, press # and then enter your 4-digit PIN and press # again.

How do I personalize my voicemail?
Once logged in, press 8 to access your personal options. Personal Options:
  • Press 1: Change the PIN
  • Press 2: Personalize your greeting.
  • Press 3: Record your personal name.
  • Press 5: Set up call forwarding
  • Press 6: Set up a call screening forwarding number
  • Press 9: Repeat personal options.
  • Press 0: Exit menu.

Feature Codes

What are feature codes?
Feature codes are shortcuts to access different features of your phone. See the residential voice user guide for feature codes.