At some point, you may need to make changes to your voicemail features. Typically, such tasks are performed in your Cloud Services Portal along with other BroadSoft calling features and settings on your account, or even directly on a desk phone/device – but there are some voicemail features that can also be managed from Webex, too. To review the settings for Voicemail to which you have access within Webex:
- Click on your Avatar to open Profile & Preferences and select Settings > Calling.
- Scroll to the bottom of the calling settings dialog and click on the Advanced Call Settings link.
- Click on Voicemail to review the settings that can be managed here. These can include:
- Voicemail Service: On/Off – Click to slide the toggle to turn voicemail ON or OFF
- Send Calls to Voicemail – Click on Set settings to define when you want calls sent to voicemail (when no answer, when busy, or always) and click Ok – then select the number of rings to allow before a call is sent directly to your voicemail inbox.
- When a message arrives: Click the drop-down to define whether the Message Waiting Indicator should be set to ON
- Email Notification: Default OFF – Set to ON and enter the email address that will receive the notification.
- Email Carbon Copy: Default OFF – set to ON and enter the email address that will receive the copy.
- Press ‘0’ to transfer (this setting option works only if configured for your organization)
- When finished, click the Exit icon (top right) to close the Advanced Calling Settings dialog and then click Save in the Calling settings view to keep the changes to you just edited.